Dynatrace: Signing up
- Sign up for Dynatrace Trial
- Use your email, password, Name etc.
- Select your region:
- Get the Welcome to Dynatrace page:
####- Download the OneAgent for Linux
- Install OneAgent on a Linux machine
Dynatracing the server:
Dynatrace would automatically detect the technologies, process, services, application, logs, metrics, topologies, events and lot more in the matter of minutes:
AIOps in action:
With no additional configuration, Dynatrace is able to automatically detect anomalies, report affected apps, services, infrastructure, calculate business impact and finally identify root cause.
Dynatrace OneAgent installed as a Docker container
| sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --privileged=true --pid=host --net=host --ipc=host -v /:/mnt/root -e ONEAGENT_INSTALLER_SCRIPT_URL=https://<tenant-id>.live.dynatrace.com/api/v1/deployment/installer/agent/unix/default/latest?arch=x86 -e ONEAGENT_INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN=████.█████████████████████████.█████████████████████████████████ dynatrace/oneagent --set-app-log-content-access=true
Installing Dynatrace in a Kubernetes Cluster
| wget https://github.com/dynatrace/dynatrace-operator/releases/latest/download/install.sh -O install.sh && sh ./install.sh --api-url "https://<tenant-id>.live.dynatrace.com/api" --api-token "████.█████████████████████████.█████████████████████████████████" --paas-token "████.█████████████████████████.█████████████████████████████████" --skip-ssl-verification --cluster-name "k8s-test"
Automatic container, process, techology, topology view and AI Ops in Dynatrace: